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How To Get a Raise


Simple, stand up for yourself and and tell Adam Rosen you need a raise or you are leaving.  Better than just a raise you should ask for a real retirement, better healthcare  There is always demand for skilled electricians but now it's more than ever!.  Call Adam or anyone at the AE Rosen office and explain that you need a raise and better benefits for you and your family.  Don't take excuses or empty promises,  know what you're worth!  When you are denied what you deserve, call the IBEW.   We're here to help you get everything you need for a successful career.

The simple truth:


  • Now is the time to ask for a raise, better benefits and improved working conditions.

  • If they don't give you what you want now, they never will.

  • You are an employee to AE Rosen not family!


Stand Together with your co-workers at AE Rosen and you can help bring the benefits of the IBEW membership to all of the AE Rosen employees.  


Together with the IBEW you can join a true brotherhood 



Call IBEW Local 236.  We have over 50 contractors working in the area who compensate electricians with top pay and benefits.  Why would you settle for anything less?



To learn more about what IBEW Local 236 can offer
Contact us today!
Randy Angerosa    518-339-4811
Daniel Dudley        518-788-7378



Option One

Option Two

Option Three

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